I recently read an article talking about the massive
increase in diagnoses of children on the autism spectrum. The numbers have been
climbing – more like skyrocketing – for the last few years. There are more than
likely a number of reasons contributing to this increase:
NO, it is not due to vaccinations. While the misleading
information on this issue looks so slick and convincing, it is merely designed to bring parents to the point of fear. Here is how I know that
vaccines DO NOT cause autism. MULTIPLE studies that checked for a correlation
between the two show that children who are not vaccinated are just as often
diagnosed with autism as those who are vaccinated. It does not matter what
theories are proposed – the relationship is not there.
Some reasons for the increase have to do with definitions of autism and awareness, but a new intriguing theory suggests we might be
creating some autism symptoms
by exposing children to activities that delay their language and
social-emotional development. These activities primarily involve screens. In
fact, in some countries, when a child receives an autism diagnosis, the first
therapy is to reduce screen use for the child as much as possible. This often
reduces the symptoms to a point where the child requires little additional therapy.
The reason screen usage might be contributing to the symptoms
of autism is that it prevents
children from engaging with other humans, and that is how children develop both
language and social-emotional skills.(Deficits in these two areas are markers for autism.) Playing video games and watching YouTube
will make your child good at screens, but will not help them to be better with
communication or relationships.
I am NOT suggesting that keeping your child from screen use
will prevent autism.There is no reason to believe screen use causes autism -- just that it might make some of the symptoms more likely.
I am NOT suggesting that you ignore an autism spectrum
diagnosis and just reduce screen time.We will leave diagnosis to the experts and trust their suggestions for therapy.
However, I do feel comfortable telling parents that reducing
screen time will not, in any way, hurt your child.If children never see a
computer until school age, they will pick up the skills without a problem.
And I do know that if children do not develop communication skills, social
skills, or emotional regulation skills in a timely manner, they will have big
problems not only with relationships but also with anxiety and learning.
My advice? Get your children vaccinated and rethink your
screen use and your child’s screen use. Let them learn how to be a human,
first. Let them learn the way God designed their brains. We cannot improve on that.